Wonderful article! 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽 We can’t do EVERYTHING… But we can do SOMETHING! Ya gotta start somewhere… 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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Thanks, and amen!

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Excellent article. Your reference to the faithfulness of Naomi and Ruth in their bitter losses reminds me of the woman in Luke's gospel who couldn't stand straight, an affliction she endured for 18 years. When others might have given up on God long before, she is in the synagogue, no doubt expecting nothing more from this service than previous ones.

Yet, this day, Jesus comes. And because she is there, she meets the Savior and is never the same. Imagine if she had decided to stay home that day!

Because of her faithfulness, God has used this anonymous woman to minister to generations ever since.

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