Excellent article. A false prophet teaches a different gospel than was revealed by the Holy Spirit through the apostles. The gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. When a sinner decides to become a disciple of Christ, he repents and acknowledges that he is a sinner. He believes and confesses that Jesus is the Son of God. Then the new disciple immediately is immersed in water for the forgiveness of sin. When he comes out of the water, he has been born again dedicated to following Jesus and to be transformed into His image. If one teaches otherwise, such as teaching the sinners prayer, he is a false prophet. If we teach incorrectly on other subjects, we are just teaching errors that need to be corrected. How dare we call a brother or sister a false prophet for sincerely teaching errors not related to the saving gospel?

Before hearing the truth, I sincerely taught the sinner prayer. At that time, I was a false prophet. Then I heard the truth and obeyed it happily. As an evangelist and teacher, I have taught errors and was corrected many times. Thank God I could mature. But I did not teach a false gospel after knowing the truth.

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Jack, good article. As it turns out it's hard sometimes. There aren't Bible verses that say "see, this right here what I'm talking about is a 'first-level' doctrine," or "but now this one right here is different, this is a 'third-level' doctrine." Where in the text does it actually identify the levels? Are the levels based on opinion, or is it done by feel?

But I 100% agree that we should not rely on the "recieved wisdom" from the 1950s. Got to do our own study.

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Hey brother, I private messaged you here on Substack. Can you respond when you get a chance? Thank you.

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You do well, my friend!

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