Teaching and preaching about the new testament church and its members does not imply we disregard the old testament - we teach and preach that the old was written for our learning and admonition. We are not under the law of Moses nor are those who still claim that allegiance are not equal to New Testament church members. "Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. "

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You're not under the Law of Moses per se, but you're under plenty of laws in the Old Testament.

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As you wrote, it's hard to reconcile the God who strengthened David to kill Goliath with the God who says to love your enemies, so many don't try and abandon the Old Testament.

It helps to remember Jesus is Lord. The Lord of the Old Testament is Jesus of the New, and He is the same yesterday, today,and forever. We need both for balance.

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I think the idea is not “New testament Christians, because we reject the Old Testament,” but rather “Christians like in the New Testament, as opposed to all the stuff that got created later.” It still might need a little clarification, but the Old Testament is definitely important to teach and understand.

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I think that may have been the original intent behind the terminology, but Old Testament ignorance has largely been a result.

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