Apr 18Liked by Jack Wilkie

And here I thought you were talking about public schools…

13 years of your kids’ lives… 180 days a year… 7-8 hours a day…

Who knows what kind of person is teaching them… secular humanism… evolution… transcendentalism… sexual perversions… drag queens in the classroom… shall I continue?

Total INDOCTRINATION of your precious babies… And we wonder why so many are leaving the Church… 😱

When I was teaching our daughter in middle school, I had 3 different girls come to me BEGGING me to talk to their mothers to let them homeschool… every single one of them had been “assaulted” in school… Btw, all mothers really need to have a talk with their teenage daughters about this. I call it the “war on women.” 😢

My hubby is a public school teacher. Every day is another story. (Not good stories!) He tells me he is doing his best in a completely BROKEN system… 😞😞😞

Parents really need to wake up… we are LOSING our children to the world… 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🤦🏽‍♀️

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I used 1 Corinthians 15:33 in my post today as well!

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