As I tell my children… When you become a Christian, that is just the BEGINNING… There are so many more things that scripture is supposed to be teaching us besides just the “plan of salvation”… we need to be an active participant in our learning… Time to get down into the WORD… 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

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Thank you for helping me rethink the idea of sound doctrine. I think you are right in your thinking, and I needed to be challenged again on this topic. It is up to each generation to think for themselves on what the Word of God teaches. We should not become a typical denomination known for a few hard-held doctrinal statements and beliefs. We need to intentionally challenge ourselves to handle more than the surface-level understanding of the milk of the Word of God. Reading and thinking about your writings encourages me to do that. To be able to handle the meat of God's Word we must take responsibility, especially as men, to study and meditate far more than the limited time we attend an assembly of the church. The Christian man cave should be filled with books and commentary written by men in the Lord's kingdom in addition to serious studying and meditation on the scriptures. You are a true spiritual warrior my young brother. Thank you.

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So excellent! I hear the same good basic sermons time and again, but I need the "meat" of dealing with the world as a Christian. There are so many temptations and choices that we (the church) have failed to spotlight and give teaching about. How can anyone maintain a "sound" Christian life without help from the Bible? And that should be coming from the pulpit.

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Thank you for this excellent article! It is one of the most important articles you have ever written, and it is very much needed in many congregations. While some have good intentions, I have observed inconsistency. I've known self-professed sound preachers stress the avoidance of beverage alcohol, yet their gluttony/obesity made it obvious that they were drunk on food. Also, I have observed those who stressed soundness within the four walls of the church building, yet they used crude and profane words outside. Those same people railed against instrumental instruments in worship, yet they had no problem watching movies with obscenities and nudity. This is spiritually inconsistent and isn't in line with the soundness they claim to champion.

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It’s a whole life commitment!

As in a card game ,

“ am I all In”?

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A total commitment! 😁😁😁 Everyone needs a job in the Lord’s army… We all need to have “skin in the game.”

As I have asked my kids… “Why would ANYONE want to sit the bench in this life?” 😬

Lots to do… sow the precious seed of the Gospel… much teaching needs to be done… sound doctrine preached… benevolence work continued…

“The fields are white onto harvest, but the workers are few…” 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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A little off topic but I’m looking for a easy to read commentary… Any recommendations?

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Any particular book, or just starting anywhere?

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Are those two topics (baptism and capella singing) actually common main, or even secondary, sermon topics in most Churches of Christ? They weren't often in the sermons I heard for the year or two I attended a large and growing Church of Christ five years ago. Maybe that partly explains why that congregation was large and growing.

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Preach!!’ Roman’s 8:29!

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