The church denies reality and acts as though instrumental music is the most pressing issue in the church. The threat to our families isn't a piano, it's Satan. Too many pulpits and elderships are inhabited by cowards who seem happy to not offend people right into hell. Meanwhile, our children are bombarded daily with satanic ideologies and the church refuses to admit they exist, let alone help families to fight them. So yes, the church deserves criticism.

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There is an ivory tower issue in the ministry for sure

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Preach that! Very well said, Jack. It's hard to discuss and it's not fun to face, but we as a people have to choose for ourselves this day whom we will serve. Thanks for your boldness!

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Thank you!

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I don't disagree, but at the same time, when I'm just one person obviously not in a leadership role, what can I do about those big issues? I'm doing all I can in my set sphere of influence-- regular at home Bible study and prayer with my kids and myself, checking on shut-ins, taking food to the sick, texting Bible verses or encouraging podcasts to members and friends, trying to be hospitable to our spread out group, etc. Our very small congregation does not have elders or even a full time preacher right now, so currently it's just a hard row to hoe. I don't think ear tickling is wise, either, but most likely listeners like me are needing some practical tips about things we regular members can do. I already struggle with wanting to "fix" all the things wrong around me, yet most things are not actually within my (or perhaps any human's) ability to "fix".

I appreciate you calling out issues you see. However, offering some practical tips to people who aren't preaching or shepherding would be helpful. (Especially helpful would be tips for homeschooling moms who don't like confrontation or conflict. 😉)

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This is the big issue right now - the “rank and file” (for lack of a better term) are seeing what the leadership is not. Israel had a lot of this, and the 7 churches of Asia did too.

In both cases God wanted those folks to stay faithful and wait until He eventually raised up leaders for them. I feel like that’s where things stand right now, for better (long term) and for worse (short term).

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You are right on brother. We are becoming more like the world all the time and afraid of offending someone with the truth many times. I have caught myself doing this very same thing. Don't stop preaching the truth!

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reset in deed. my theme for this year is, "how do we look different". Looking at the religious world across the nation, how does the Church Jesus died for look different? Currently, most times, we don't.

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It's funny, but not funny that many comments I've heard over the years call for changes in the church, but the call has been OPPOSITE of truth for the most part, and opposite of what you preach. Unscriptural views regarding instrumental music, praise teams, issues with divorce and remarriage, women in leadership roles...all that stuff...why in the world change what's already been settled by God? Jack, I applaud the stance you take and it undoubtedly opens eyes to issues. You've done that for me a few times. Thank you, my brother! I don't at all consider it negativity.

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Thank you! You’re right, as restorationists you would think we would be open to any change that gets us closer to the Book. But comfort is hard to shake.

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Stepping out onto the “slippery slope”, the direction has been decided!! The only remaining question is “How long?”.

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Very well said jack! It’s sad to see where the church is at currently. like you said comfort is a big thing and it shouldn’t be.

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Yes ,we have to search ourselves and ask what role are we playing in the decline. I shepherd a congregation that has gone through this and we have lost "comfortable" folks who want to stay the same as it was 40-50 years ago. We have seen that the Church is dying in many places around us, but God is blessing us with new Christians and new brethren that are ready to work with us to go back to the Bible and search the scripture and make Disciples ! Thank you for speaking the truth and yes sometimes it hurts! We've done church but we haven't done Jesus well !

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