Good stuff. Glad I ran across you.

Jesus: “as a hen gathers her chicks.”

Also Jesus to Peter: “Get behind me Satan.”

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Likewise! Very encouraging to find like-mindedness, feels like I spend all day getting yelled at over on FB haha.

And great references for the contrast. He never fits into the boxes people want to build.

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Has anyone but me ever suggested that much of the loss of masculinity in modern culture is due to secularism, atheism, materialism and Darwinism? If we have only descended from lower animal forms by an accidental, random process in a meaningless universe, then we cannot have the knowledge of truth and the commitment to truth that are among the most important parts of what it truly means to be human. With the loss of that goes loss of self-respect, passivity and weakness, and the loss of divinely ordained differences between male and female. The highest potentialities of the human character are destroyed by Darwinism and materialism.

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I’m grappling with these very things here, that is these attributes of God, hard to reconcile of gentleness and harshness.


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