Excellent entry, Jack. Jesus is not a culture. However, when we receive Jesus as our indwelling Savior, culture is strongly impacted.

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Thanks! And agree 100%

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"If we refuse to engage the culture beyond evangelism for fear of being called bigoted and “damaging our witness,” we don’t believe in the Lordship of Christ over all things."

GREAT statement. So true. We tend to shy away from speaking up because we've been pigeon-holed by our culture into believing if we do so we're haters or we're the extremists. We need to lovingly, logically STAND. "For this reason take up the full armor of God, so that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having prepared everything, to take your stand" (Eph 6:13).

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They've run a really clever play - get Christians to agree to not touch divisive issues, and then keep making every aspect of life, even our gender, a divisive issue.

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Great article. We are in a culture war. The spiritual war of Ephesians 6 is a culture war. Culture from top down (nations, states, communities) trickles its way into our churches. Our churches have become too much like the fallen culture around us. We need to be preaching distinctive Christianity again, and stop trying to blend in with the world.

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Changing culture is not the goal of the gospel but transforming individuals to the abundant spiritual life is ...... and bringing all races into a right relationship with the creator. We are not the product of some culture rather of the teaching of the Bible.....We are to offer the gospel to all cultures and peoples and some will respond regardless of the culture they are in. I oppose culture on many fronts as it is a legion of error and multiple abominations before God. God never promised a perfect culture and there will never be one. God has told some of us to do the work of an evangelist in whatever culture you are in. No one that wars should allow himself or herself to become entangled in the affairs of this life.

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This is a denial of reality. If my Grandmother were born in the Soviet Union, there would have been no church for her to walk to at the end of her street. Individual conversions inevitably lead to culture.

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The heavens declare the glory of God....and show his handiwork. As does childbirth and the design of the human body. It is worldwide in every culture. We should oppose the vices of every culture and ism of course. Obey the great commission in every generation.

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