What is really ironic is the song they used. Personal Jesus is mocking Christians.

Any song that mentions Jesus that Marilyn Manson/Brian Warner wants to cover, probably isn’t friendly to God.

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Great point, I hadn't thought of that part of it

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As soon as the commercial and song started, I realized it. I’m an 80s music fan, at least when I’m lying in bed relaxing. I also have Pandora’s 80s station on while I’m sleeping, low volume. So I’ve heard it plenty of times.

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Due to the bastardization, watered-down, seeker-friendly, traditions of men taught as precepts of God, hot-tub, feel good without being good, Blood-less buffet-styled pablum presented as ‘Modern-Christianity’ -

I prefer to be called a Christ-Follower… but that's just me 🤷‍♀️

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These people are wolves in sheep’s skins… they are much worse than a donkey in a lion’s skin… at my work place we have to respect everyone… but with one product representative there is no questioning his preferences…

I know what I’m expected to do… my response is to just pray for them… there is really nothing else I can do…

Besides praying for those who choose lives that contradict the words and ways of Jesus, we also need to guard ourselves from accepting their choices and sin as mainstream and just the state of our world today

… that we just have to “cinch up our belt and accept it”… that we as Bible believing Christians are the minority now and that we don’t have our own voice…

Jesus warned us that the world would become worse and accepting of their sin,

But Jesus also said He and We would overcome the world! To give us life in Jesus Name and not just a pinch but much more that we could ever imagine!

Praise God that we will Overcome the world! 🌍

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Agree. The Christian motto is “love the sinner, but hate the sin.” For example, to the woman caught an adultery, Jesus said, “neither do I condemn thee. Go and sin NO more.“ He did not say, “ I’m inclusive with adultery. Let’s go start an adultery pride movement.”

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By ignoring the totality of Scripture, the left (and their minions) subtly and subliminally informs us that God is just a wee bit old-fashioned and hasn't quite kept up with society. But with an inclusive expansion of love and acceptance of all lifestyles, we can show the Almighty the revelation of the true way. After all, their "New-er Testament" is the correct version.

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That's exactly it. Trying to out-nice God

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Love it… I love the CS Lewis analogy with Puzzle and Shift.

do you listen to Steve Deace, you made some observations that were identical to his spiel.

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He talks about it often. So it’s in many episodes. But I believe they talk about it in this episode, don’t know the exact minute marker.


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I'm familiar with him but don't regularly listen. Is there a link for where he covered it?

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Thank you for this article. I have seen these commercials and agree with everything you said.

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I shared this on FB with comments. Might lose some friends over it, but Jesus said that might happen. Thank you for being bold enough to point out this fraudulent call to Christ.

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I appreciate your take on this and I also agree. It is a narrow ledge but Christ was clear, "Go and sin no more." I was a Prodigal for 35 years and involved in plenty of misbehavior. I could have died in my rebellion...but the sheer mercy of God called and called and called me back Home to the Household of God. I am profoundly grateful for that and take my salvation in fear and trembling. I had many rowdy and rebellious friends whom I loved in my youth...and it is distinctly possible they died in their rebellion...sorrowfully so. I will never wander again! I take God's warnings seriously. I saw the darkness and now write about essentially "what not to do", from the point of view of a survivor of the sexual revolution and all the attending mess that caused. I never talk down to people, I look at the exhortation from Isaiah 61, to "bind up the brokenhearted", as I have plenty of experience with that! Bless you for your writings! Wendy

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What a great testimony of God's redemption!

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Thank you Church Reset and Jack Wilkie, for your bold message of God's truth. Keep going and I will, too! Wendy

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Amen Jack! AMEN.

I’d add that your soul and spirit should have been disquieted by those adds. Even before the hug. Before it felt like a lecture from the National Cathedral.

One does indeed need to know scripture. But perhaps more so, one needs to KNOW the one whom the scriptures introduce us to. And walk IN THE SPIRIT.

Many a time, that disquieting, that still small voice will tell you something is not right before your eyes see it.

Know HIM, He will show you what eyes cannot see and tell you what ears have not heard.

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Excellent piece.

They are preaching a false Christ that Paul warned about in 2 Corinthians 11.

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I'm so glad you wrote this piece. It is so deceiving to those who do not study the Bible beyond their early years of Sunday School. Thank you. God bless!

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Excellent article. Subscribed!

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This reminds me of the old story about how you learn to spot counterfeit money. You don’t study the fake stuff, you study the real bills with a high attention to detail. When a counterfeit bill comes around, you will tell very quickly that something is up.

These ads always made my ears perk up because something just wasn’t quite right — it is subtle. I’ve heard “well, aren’t they better than nothing” and I’m not so sure. Using the Shift and Puzzle analogy is perfect!

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Thanks, and great point about the money

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Righteous Anger. I'm feeling that right now. I am so sick and tired of closet theologians and non believers playing the "don't judge" card. Pointing out wrong, a.k.a. SIN. Is not judgemental. It is an act of compassion done to save someone from the pits of hell. It takes courage, especially in today's climate, to point out to someone that their lifestyle will lead them to eternal damnation. Here's a word of caution for believers that play the "don't judge" card. On the day of God's judgement we won't just be judged on our actions and the words that we spoke. We will also be judged on our inaction and words we did not speak. And as a point of clarification, the scripture that you like to "quote" has nothing to do with judging a person's actions or lifestyle. It has to do with judging a person's soul. If you actually read the Bible and meditate on it the meanings become a lot more clear. For non believers that play the "don't judge" card. If you don't believe in God and a final judgement then why are you so concerned about someone pointing out what you don't consider to be wrong? Trick question. Because your soul tells you that there is a God and a final Judgement. There fixed it for ya. I feel better now.

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Could not agree more. Thanks, Jack. Great assessment.

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