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Great article, Jack! In my many years in the church, I have observed the scenarios you pointed out. I have seen a weak elder who was a proxy elder for his family. By the way, that type of elder is not a qualified elder. Also, I have seen the elders who ignored the flock they were charged to oversee. Members complained that one elder, in particular, would callously walk away in the middle of a conversation if he didn't like the question or suggestion. He would walk away if he didn't want to have to provide an answer. He and a fellow elder, who was a bully, made consequential decisions for the congregation without asking the flock what they thought. Too many elders are drunk on power. Then there are the elders who consult the flock and are fair in their dealings with those allotted to their care. These are the ones who are God-honoring and live up to the qualities and work of elders who "rule well." Thankfully, this describes the elders who oversee my soul.

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