Even if you have no interest in rejoining that preacher group, you should reach out to them with the links to CNN and others admitting the truth. It is important to give them a chance to repent publicly.
Yeah COVID was a tough time for everyone. My wife and I always quote a line from a commercial that came out when COVID started to subside… “Everybody was a mess.” Shouldn’t both sides extend grace to the other now that we’ve gotten beyond it?
It’s ok to disagree, and I suspect we will continue to do so. I can cite multiple sources to back up what I’m saying, so seems to me it’s more than opinion. But here we are in America — nobody knows who they can trust, so they trust the biggest and loudest megaphone. All I’m saying is we do not and should not accept this in biblical matters, why should we accept it in scientific or legal ones?
Well, Jack, it's pretty clear where you stand. I think that the "truth" about some of these things (elections, Covid for example) may never be fully known, at least in this life. I am ok with "agreeing to disagree" about some issues. However, we should not look with the lenses of hindsight and say "see I was right!" when those who made decisions at the time were working with the best info they could gather. For example, it is undisputed that millions of people worldwide died FROM Covid. Yes, as time went on, I think hospitals were wrongly encouraged to list any positive test as a case, but that does not change that many died from this disease (and still do, by the way). Likewise, the vaccine may not be perfect, but it is effective at reducing hospitalizations and deaths. The fear I have is that this fear will be extended to all vaccines, many of which are safe and highly effective. As for the "stolen election" claims, NO evidence has been provided that this occurred, yet some continue to spread these theories. I cannot (and did not) support someone politically who continues to spread these lies (and no, I didn't vote for Kamala either!). My fear is that the church will be greatly divided by these attitudes and others like them. It is healthy to question things, but we cannot just replace one set of false or questionable facts with another. We who are in leadership in the church (I am an elder) need to be very careful about what we say about these issues -- the world and the church are watching. Praying for a spirit of love and understanding!
I don't hold it against anyone who was wrong in hindsight. I hold it against them that they tried to silence the rest of us, like you're doing right now.
Not trying to silence anyone (not that I could, everyone has a megaphone now). Just saying that we need to realize we have a responsibility to speak truth, not theories espoused by questionable individuals on the internet. I don't want the church to be a place where conspiracy theories and half truths are promoted in the name of "freedom".
Nope, not at all. You imply that those things are true. I’m just saying that they aren’t, based on evidence I’ve seen. This stuff should not be a matter of opinion, but of evidence. Surely we in the church can understand and agree on the need for truth and evidence. If we promote unproven theories, how can anyone trust what we say about God’s truth?
Come on Jack. A blog like this only fuels disunity. The election is over. The worst of Covid is behind us. Let's just move on. In as much as it is up to you, be at peace with all men. If we spent more time focused on Christ and His mission for tge church-- "seeking and saving the lost" -- we would not have time to think about all the babble that divides us. I don't care about Trump; Harris, immigation, abortion laws, conspiracy theories, etc. I only want to know Jesus Christ and Him crucified; and to share the gospel with all people, even those who don't like me or o not believe what I believe.
"And if you’ve been mistreated at the hands of people who turned out to be wrong, and you know they’re going to do it again on the next thing, unity is a pretty tough sell."
Even if you have no interest in rejoining that preacher group, you should reach out to them with the links to CNN and others admitting the truth. It is important to give them a chance to repent publicly.
I'm still on good terms with most. The guy who kicked me out is very much one of those I described - always confident, often wrong, never learning.
Yeah COVID was a tough time for everyone. My wife and I always quote a line from a commercial that came out when COVID started to subside… “Everybody was a mess.” Shouldn’t both sides extend grace to the other now that we’ve gotten beyond it?
Obviously you’ve spoken your mind with a big public megaphone. I’m ok with you stating your opinion, just not ok with you stating it as fact.
From your original comment: "NO evidence has been provided that this occurred"
I disagree. But you sure seem comfortable stating YOUR opinion as fact. In every single comment you've proven the double standard I'm pointing out.
It’s ok to disagree, and I suspect we will continue to do so. I can cite multiple sources to back up what I’m saying, so seems to me it’s more than opinion. But here we are in America — nobody knows who they can trust, so they trust the biggest and loudest megaphone. All I’m saying is we do not and should not accept this in biblical matters, why should we accept it in scientific or legal ones?
Well, Jack, it's pretty clear where you stand. I think that the "truth" about some of these things (elections, Covid for example) may never be fully known, at least in this life. I am ok with "agreeing to disagree" about some issues. However, we should not look with the lenses of hindsight and say "see I was right!" when those who made decisions at the time were working with the best info they could gather. For example, it is undisputed that millions of people worldwide died FROM Covid. Yes, as time went on, I think hospitals were wrongly encouraged to list any positive test as a case, but that does not change that many died from this disease (and still do, by the way). Likewise, the vaccine may not be perfect, but it is effective at reducing hospitalizations and deaths. The fear I have is that this fear will be extended to all vaccines, many of which are safe and highly effective. As for the "stolen election" claims, NO evidence has been provided that this occurred, yet some continue to spread these theories. I cannot (and did not) support someone politically who continues to spread these lies (and no, I didn't vote for Kamala either!). My fear is that the church will be greatly divided by these attitudes and others like them. It is healthy to question things, but we cannot just replace one set of false or questionable facts with another. We who are in leadership in the church (I am an elder) need to be very careful about what we say about these issues -- the world and the church are watching. Praying for a spirit of love and understanding!
I don't hold it against anyone who was wrong in hindsight. I hold it against them that they tried to silence the rest of us, like you're doing right now.
Not trying to silence anyone (not that I could, everyone has a megaphone now). Just saying that we need to realize we have a responsibility to speak truth, not theories espoused by questionable individuals on the internet. I don't want the church to be a place where conspiracy theories and half truths are promoted in the name of "freedom".
"Not trying to silence anyone"
"I don't want the church to be a place where conspiracy theories and half truths are promoted"
Do you see how those two things are incompatible?
Nope, not at all. You imply that those things are true. I’m just saying that they aren’t, based on evidence I’ve seen. This stuff should not be a matter of opinion, but of evidence. Surely we in the church can understand and agree on the need for truth and evidence. If we promote unproven theories, how can anyone trust what we say about God’s truth?
From my perspective you're wrong in a way that is obvious to see. From your perspective, I'm the one who is that obviously wrong.
I'm ok with you speaking your mind on the matter. You don't seem to be ok with me speaking mine. There's the problem.
Come on Jack. A blog like this only fuels disunity. The election is over. The worst of Covid is behind us. Let's just move on. In as much as it is up to you, be at peace with all men. If we spent more time focused on Christ and His mission for tge church-- "seeking and saving the lost" -- we would not have time to think about all the babble that divides us. I don't care about Trump; Harris, immigation, abortion laws, conspiracy theories, etc. I only want to know Jesus Christ and Him crucified; and to share the gospel with all people, even those who don't like me or o not believe what I believe.
"And if you’ve been mistreated at the hands of people who turned out to be wrong, and you know they’re going to do it again on the next thing, unity is a pretty tough sell."