Feb 12Liked by Church Reset | Jack Wilkie

Your article topic is simply not addressed by many today. All one has to do is visit a nursing home to see the sad effects of childless couples or individuals. Your visit, and possibly that of others like you, may be the only visit many of these individuals will have in a week, or even weeks. Our Surgeon General has recently advised about the Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation. Wonder why?

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That's a great point about the nursing homes. It is devastating to think of how lonely those places will be when today's childless generation gets to that point.

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Jan 4Liked by Church Reset | Jack Wilkie

Nothing new under the sun: the (later) Roman Empire had this problem along with bread and circuses. The citizens' birth rate fell because children weren't desired. Women with numerous children were given "box" seating and special attention at arena events to promote the idea of childbearing. Anyone who says the Bible isn't relevant has clearly not read it.

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At least they had the foresight to try and promote it. The rates have already declined so badly and the encouragement and incentives are so strong in the other direction that it’s probably too late to avoid the tsunami of consequences on the way.

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Jan 3Liked by Church Reset | Jack Wilkie

SINK's are even worse (Single Income, No Kids) and often I'd imagine these individuals will live elderly lives alone and regretting a family they could have helped create!

I'd say I agree whole heartfelt with your article. Maybe more on the "Stop Glorifying this for Others", and also not critical if this is their choice alone! DINK's or SINK's won't really know until that final day, if this was a right choice.

Not any one choice is right for all anyway. But, I'm more over concerned for the Blessed Children brought into this world, only to not have the benefits of two parents... Or any parent for that matter! Divorce, Separation, breaking up the Atomic family and "Half-Sibling" relationship seems to be exponentially growing.

But you're message on Christianity and why we're here. Carrying on a "Christ Centered Life" to continue His message and Purpose was great to share with others!


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Jan 3Liked by Church Reset | Jack Wilkie

Immaturity and short-sightedness mixed with a little more than a dash of covetousness. Easy to fall prey too. Gullible and naive mindsets are the target demographic of the app - an app very good at promoting the people of Proverbs 30:11-14.

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A common retort for not having children is “We want to travel.” I’ve worked abroad and traveled extensively - it all runs together eventually. How many international trips can you go on and still find any meaning in it? A full passport can only provide so much fulfillment.

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First let me say I think you make strong valid points. However have you ever known individuals that can’t grasp the concept of something or someone comes before self? An individual that even though they may be married, their wants and needs is all they see as important? Someone with issues that no child needs to be subjected to? And then what about birth control and limiting the number of children? Is that also wrong?

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Selfishness is wrong in any situation, of course - single, married, and/or parenting. And the more attachments there are, the worse the selfishness gets. However, for many people marriage and childbearing are a great catalyst toward selflessness. They are a reminder the world does not revolve around us.

So, the Biblical counsel would not be "don't have children" but "stop being selfish." The modern idea that people are better off literally not existing than they would be having imperfect parents is hard to square with faith in God. Heaven is populated with countless people who came from bad parents.

As for limiting the number of children, it would be a different category than not having children. A family who has had 5 children and decides to stop is not disobedient to the command to be fruitful and multiply.

Having said that, it is possible to have children and still act selfishly in choosing the number. I don't think our cultural obsession with making 3 the maximum reflects a healthy appreciation of life.

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We must keep in mind the motive of choosing not to have children or choosing not to be married it may be for the cause of christ and is cause as our brother Paul recommended in 1 Cor 7 even though he was talking about marriage specifically the principle would be the same for a couples to choose not to have children to devote themselves to evangelism and other ministries.

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That’s not really what’s in question with this DINKs trend, but I would also add - there’s a huge difference between those who are single for the kingdom and married couples who choose not to have children.

Once you’ve married, productive sex is not a decision for you to make. You made that decision by getting married, and it is a natural expectation.

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