The Bible gives several examples of strong faith, but Job stands out in my mind. He lost almost everyone he loved and everything he owned, even his health. His 'friends' and even his wife berated him for his faith, but he held steadfast. Some of us today give up on the hope that God gives us after suffering a fraction of these losses. I am most thankful that we have the example of Job's unwavering faith in God. It gives me hope and reminds me that 'things can always get worse' whenever there is loss.

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I would say Abraham. I don’t recall Abraham ever questioning God or arguing in any sort of way. He always seemed to be very conducive to everything the Lord said.

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Joseph is an amazing example of following God come what may. He is also a great example of forgiveness when he tells his brothers, "...you meant it for evil but God meant it for good...". He learned how to be Pharaoh's right hand man by the hardship he endured. I think he's the only example that ran from an advancing woman, very rare indeed. Even Abraham agreed when Sarah suggested Hagar. Joseph's godly decision sent him to prison. Doing what is right isn't easy but it is what pleases God.

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Abraham comes to mind, probably because I've been reading in Romans, where Paul says God's promise is "to those who are of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all." Considering all the notables in the Hall of Faith (Hebrews 11), Paul used Abraham to argue for the righteousness of God by faith, apart from the law.

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