Sep 30, 2023Liked by Church Reset | Jack Wilkie

The question was, "what do you think is the biggest challenge facing the church today?" How do you not list Lack of knowledge, Indifference, Identity? I have selected Leadership as the biggest problem. When we survey the brotherhood today, what do we see? Congregations are splitting, dying and embracing false patterns (instr. Music / Role of Women) due in large part to a lack of Godly (think men of the book) leadership.

God’s plan is for men to oversee the work (the sheep) in a local congregation.

The scriptures are clear in defining the work of elders. They must “take care of the church of God” (I Tim. 3:5), they are to “rule well” (I Tim. 5:17), they should be “examples to the flock” (I Pet. 5:3), they are to exercise the “oversight” of the congregation (I Pet. 5:2), without being “lords over God’s heritage” (I Pet. 5:3). They have no more important role than the duty to “watch for your souls, as they that must give account” (Heb. 13:17).

So, in simple words what might this involve: Knowing the congregation, Feeding the Flock, Watching for Souls, Rescue the Fallen, Guard against False Teachers, and Discipline the Unruly.

John Simmons, MD. Elder and member of the Lads to Leaders Board of Directors, “Leaders do not just happen; they are developed and the sooner the process starts, the better. Where will these people, these leaders come from? Will they just appear someday? The church must deal with these questions and provide a solution.”

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Church Reset | Jack Wilkie

Complacency is another reason people are too busy teaching their children sports and worldly activities rather than teaching them about God no more Bible studies in the home letting girls dress worldly not teaching them how to be Domestically inclined. Women have left the home to get a career rather than loving their husband and children and being homemakers We all need to repent and get back to the Bible because we all have left God's word and we need to do better

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Church Reset | Jack Wilkie

I believe one of challenges today’s church is facing is the use of spiritual gifts, not for a music video or tik tok but to edify the body in sincerity and love. Some of those gifts have been swept under the rug for so long that we not only don’t expect them upon baptism, we don’t believe they’re real unless they fit into these categories: holding a door or preaching if you’re a man ,or teaching children or making a casserole if you’re a woman. One of the reasons unbelievers don’t believe is because neither do the “believers”. We must expect miracles and understand no one’s casserole is as good as what the Holy Spirit can do if we allow it.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Church Reset | Jack Wilkie

There is no doubt in my mind that we have many elders who refuse to shepherd the flock. The style of leadership is often military or corporate. They too often refuse to protect the members from false prophets and teachers by inviting them in as class and preaching materials. Very few personal relations are formed by being in the member's homes. There is little focus in many congregations on personal or community evangelism.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Church Reset | Jack Wilkie

Satan has dulled us to accept mediocrity and ambiguity. Repent and believe is the antidote.

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Church Reset | Jack Wilkie

lack of leadership or apathy? I can't decide.

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