Those words are a great way to squelch dialogue. It’s always profitable to reevaluate why we do what we do. I’m looking forward to your new book! I appreciate how you are working to further the kingdom and stimulate our thinking. Not just relying on “we’ve always done I it that way” thinking.
Great article. Trying new things can be frightening, however, it is imperative. We must live be the most repeated command in scripture, “fear not!”
Those words are a great way to squelch dialogue. It’s always profitable to reevaluate why we do what we do. I’m looking forward to your new book! I appreciate how you are working to further the kingdom and stimulate our thinking. Not just relying on “we’ve always done I it that way” thinking.
A statement that always bothered me!! So glad you wrote this article. Well done! =)
Outstanding article Jack!!! I'm not sure if you know just how accurate this article is.