Very important list! Totally agree. One thing, that fits under your item #1, that I think we need to give young people is some tools and strategies to help make the right choices when tempted. For example: when dating young people need ideas of ways to avoid temptations because even though you may know the reason and really want the to stay pure it is still hard to overcome temptations at times. When my daughter and her husband were going together they determined guidelines for their relationship. They were in their mid to late 20's and they decided they would not kiss or even hold hands until they got married. Their first kiss was at their wedding. I know, to some that seems outdated and impossible, but that is what they did. They also determined not to travel alone or spend time in seclusion -like alone together in the house. If you set standards ahead of time, it greatly reduces the chances you will fall into sin when emotions and excitement come along. I'm not saying everyone needs to use the same standards, but I know it would have helped me if I had set some of those type of "rules" during that time in my life. Again, not saying those are rules you have to follow, but having tools and standards to keep away from temptation will help. Lots of other situations you could think of - this was just one example.
That's a great addition to the list, and stories like that are such a good example of the kind of virtue that can be cultivated when Christians are dedicated to it
I know of a denominational couple (her father was a preacher) who did the same while dating. Their first kiss was at the wedding. I think what the couple you mentioned did was wonderful. Young people may think they are equipped to handle tempting situations, but when it comes right down to it and the emotions involved............... Having an exact plan can prevent a lot of temptation.
Very important list! Totally agree. One thing, that fits under your item #1, that I think we need to give young people is some tools and strategies to help make the right choices when tempted. For example: when dating young people need ideas of ways to avoid temptations because even though you may know the reason and really want the to stay pure it is still hard to overcome temptations at times. When my daughter and her husband were going together they determined guidelines for their relationship. They were in their mid to late 20's and they decided they would not kiss or even hold hands until they got married. Their first kiss was at their wedding. I know, to some that seems outdated and impossible, but that is what they did. They also determined not to travel alone or spend time in seclusion -like alone together in the house. If you set standards ahead of time, it greatly reduces the chances you will fall into sin when emotions and excitement come along. I'm not saying everyone needs to use the same standards, but I know it would have helped me if I had set some of those type of "rules" during that time in my life. Again, not saying those are rules you have to follow, but having tools and standards to keep away from temptation will help. Lots of other situations you could think of - this was just one example.
That's a great addition to the list, and stories like that are such a good example of the kind of virtue that can be cultivated when Christians are dedicated to it
I know of a denominational couple (her father was a preacher) who did the same while dating. Their first kiss was at the wedding. I think what the couple you mentioned did was wonderful. Young people may think they are equipped to handle tempting situations, but when it comes right down to it and the emotions involved............... Having an exact plan can prevent a lot of temptation.
Great lesson brother.
Very practical and very important list here Jack!