I’m excited to announce a new devotional book, and I’m even more excited to announce that you’ll be the first to get it!
My brother Joe and I have have been producing these devotionals for Focus+ and are now set to bind and publish them. There will be at least 4 volumes, and the first is now here.
A Closer Walk with Thee, Vol. 1 is a 90-day devotional that works from Genesis 1 up to Exodus 21. Each day features a reading, a prayer prompt, a meditation on the day’s reading, and a discussion prompt to share with others.
Lord willing, paper copies will be available at Focus Press and Amazon shortly after the New Year.
But today, paying subscribers get a full digital copy as my Christmas thank you!
Grab your file below, or, if you’re not a paying subscriber, you can become one here. Then, don’t forget to come back to grab your copy.